> So, when VNC is started using -cc 3, when Apollo is started, the
> performance goes to pot.  The VNC viewer cursor gets WELL ahead of the X
> cursor.
> When I quit from Apollo, the performance gets better.

I suspect I know what the problem is.

Going from 8-bit PseudoColor server to a TrueColor viewer is hard to do
efficiently, because every time the colormap is changed, potentially the whole
screen is affected.  Xvnc "copes" with this by simply sending a complete update
to the viewer.  This works OK for most applications which simply allocate a few
colours once off, but not for an application like this Apollo which actually
changes the colormap constantly while it is running.

There are a few things I can suggest (other than finding a version of Apollo
which doesn't need a PseudoColor server), but they all involve modifying VNC:

* If you're lucky, then this Apollo program won't really be changing pixel
  values which are on the screen, in which case Xvnc sending a full update is
  unnecessary.  You can try hacking this bit of Xvnc out by removing lines 399
  to 403 of Xvnc/programs/Xserver/hw/vnc/translate.c:

        box.x1 = box.y1 = 0;
        box.x2 = rfbScreen.width;
        box.y2 = rfbScreen.height;

  and recompiling.  Even if it doesn't work fully, the worst that should happen
  is some wrong colours on the viewer.  It should certainly stop the real
  performance problem.

* Run the viewer using its own colormap.  This can be done with the X VNC
  viewer on a PseudoColor display with the -owncmap option, but I don't think
  it can be done with the Windows viewer as is.  It might be possible to modify
  the Windows viewer to tell the VNC server that it uses a colormap and then do
  the translation itself (in fact I suspect the Windows API might even do the
  translation for you).  Not being a Windows programmer I don't know how hard
  this would be.

* Ideally Xvnc could be made "smarter" about working out how much of the screen
  is affected by a colormap change, but that's really quite hard (you'd need a
  kind of "reverse index" of the framebuffer, telling you for each pixel value
  whether that pixel value occurs in particular areas of the screen).

Hope this helps,



Tristan Richardson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.uk.research.att.com/~tjr
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