----- Original Message -----
From: "ronnie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Virgin ?
> David and Thomas thanks for your replies.
> I am new to networking and the idea of controlling pc's
remotely. I can
> connect fine between the 2 computers (they are assigned a
static ip
> internally ex: 192.168.0.x) behind the router using vnc
viewer and the
> internet broswer. The problem is accessing from out side
where the problem
> arises. My isp provider (swbell) says they aren't blocking
any ports. I
> don't have a static ip, so I have to find out what my
dynamic ip is then
> type into the browser. I have tried ports 80, 21, 5800,
and 5900 without
> success.
> 1. If I have configured my router to accept http on port
80, then when
> typing the ip address in the browser :-5820 should follow
the ip?
> 2. If I have configured my router to accept port 80, what
should the display
> for vnc viewer be (80)? Should auto be enabled? Should
accept socket
> connections be enabled?
> 3. Do i have to change port #'s in:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Default ? Should
it be 80?
> 4. Dave I didn't understand: if you're using ZA - make
> sure vnc is setup as a server. it's not enuf to turn ZA
> (as opposed to not having it initialize on login), the dll
> stays resident and still offers protection.
1. i'd try using VNC's internal viewer and not the browser
2. if you're using Zone Alarm, u need to go into Programs
and look for VNC server for Win32. make sure both 'allow
server' boxes are checked as well as the 'allow connect'
> I know these questions may seem basic to many people, but
I am new to this
> and would appreciate any help.
> Thanks
> ron.e
> Also can someone recommend a very easy, simple book that I
can read to learn
> more info.
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