i originally had trouble getting vnc to connect two pc's
over the net - both machines behind rt311 routers. the
solution was a small twiddle in zone alarm's settings.
fyi, i've never been able to get VNC to work thru the
browser. ive always used the viewer.
in menu 15 all u need do is assign 5900 to 192.168.0.x (x
being your current machine) and if you're using ZA - make
sure vnc is setup as a server. it's not enuf to turn ZA off
(as opposed to not having it initialize on login), the dll
stays resident and still offers protection.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ronnie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 11:09 PM
Subject: Virgin ?
> I have set up my pc with vnc software. I am running win
98se behind a netgear
> r 314 cable/dsl router but can not access my pc from the
outside world via
> internet. I have assigned the router port 80 for http
access and have disabled
> the filters, but I still can not gain access to my comp.
> I am typing http://[ip add]:-5820 into the web broswer. I
am running winvnc to
> accept socket connections and auto for display number is
enabled. I am new.
> Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong
> Thanks
> ron.e
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