I added the directive "RandomPlacement" in
"/usr/openwin/lib/X11/twm/system.twmrc" on my Solaris box.
You will need to find where the "system.twmrc" file is placed on Linux.
Also if you specify geometry on any clients started in the xstartup file,
they will be placed.
By all means, though, do read the man page since there is a more complete
discussion in there.
Mel Stotyn, Senior Specialist mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 403
Quick Link Communications Ltd. http://www.qlccom.com 403 265-5558
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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Liaw, Andy
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: (X) window location & size
> I am running VNC server on Linux, vncviewer on Windows 9x. When I
> connect, I get that ghostly, skeletal box that I must
> position to where
> I want the X window placed. I move it to where I want it and then my
> application appears.
> I am trying to simplify this as much as possible for end users. Is
> there some way to get the X window to immediately go to the extreme
> upper left?
> I realize this is probably more an X question than VNC.
Not exactly. This has to do with the window manager in X. Some (most?)
window managers have a resource/setting/option called window placement
policy. In your case the default must be something like "ask", which
lets the user place the window. Other possible settings are "random"
or even "smart". If you are using twm (as the vncserver script calls
by default), check the man pages for twm.
As you can tell by now, this is window manager specific, and not a
whole lot to do with X per se.
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