Oops...that should be "But DON'T use 8 bit on the SERVER end."  The 
restrict to 8 bit on the user end still applies. I've found that to go 
quite quickly.

j----- k-----

At 08:03 PM Tuesday 2/6/2001 -0900, you allegedly said:
>Make sure the users are using optimized settings.  The fastest setting 
>(oddly enough) I've found is 24 bits per pixel on the server end, or use 
>16 bits per pixel, then restrict to 8 bits on the user end.  But DON'T use 
>8 bit on the user end.  Things look bad, and it's still really slow (don't 
>know why).
>(Note: this is for Unix (server) to windows (client) connection).
>j----- k-----

Joshua J. Kugler
Computer Consultant--Web Developer
.--- --- ... .... ..- .-    -.- ..- --. .-.. . .-.
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and 
under the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!
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