Make sure the users are using optimized settings. The fastest setting
(oddly enough) I've found is 24 bits per pixel on the server end, or use 16
bits per pixel, then restrict to 8 bits on the user end. But DON'T use 8
bit on the user end. Things look bad, and it's still really slow (don't
know why).
(Note: this is for Unix (server) to windows (client) connection).
j----- k-----
At 03:15 PM Tuesday 2/6/2001 -0800, you allegedly said:
>So I've got about 300 people using VNC around here. The most common way to
>use it is with a Windows viewer connecting to a UNIX server. Many times in
>the evening, some of my users want to access their environment from home,
>and most have DSL connections. I've started hearing complaints about poor
>performance across DSL.
>I myself don't have DSL. I have to suffer with ISDN. But, it works great
>for me. Users are reporting that they can see the windows redrawing across
>their screen. The same users are saying they see much better performance
>using Citrix to connect to a Windows server and running Exceed from there!
>Is this a function of the "asynchronous" nature of DSL?
>Is this possible a problem with how our VPN is configured?
>I don't relish suggesting turning on zlib or tight encoding, as even on
>ISDN I notice a performance degradation, and wouldn't want to make a bad
>situation worse.
>What are suggestions on how I can ferret out what's really going on here?
> - Jeff
>Jeff Boerio \\ URL:
>Sr. Systems Programmer \\
>Intel Corporation \\
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Joshua J. Kugler
Computer Consultant--Web Developer
.--- --- ... .... ..- .- -.- ..- --. .-.. . .-.
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and
under the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!
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