There is an issue with running as a service - I'm not sure how easy a code
change it would be, but when you shutdown the machine, one of the first
services to die is VNC, meaning that if there is a basic problem with the
machine in shutting down, you cannot fix it remotely. e.g. try leaving
notepad open with an unsaved textfile, you get a Task not responding message
for notepad, and since VNC has already died you cannot get reconnect to
remotely click End Task.
This is not a problem with pcAnywhere, which stays running for quite a while
(at least until the Desktop disappears), so I assume there must be a way to
leave the priority of the VNC service as next-to-last in the order of
shutdown ;-)
Anyone got any ideas on this? The only way around it is to log off before
shutdown, this way any problems can be corrected before access via the VNC
service is prevented.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 25 January 2001 10:53
> Subject: Re: Diff Between Service & Task
> > What is the diffrence between making VNC a service that in
> in the Admin
> > settings, and making it a scheduled task that starts every time the
> computer
> > logs onto windows?
> When I started WinVNC in application mode (when I logged onto
> Windows NT), I
> could connect only as long as the computer was not locked. When it was
> locked and I tried to connect, I got the password box but
> nothing happened.
> When I set WinVNC to run as a service, I could connect to it
> successfully
> wether the computer was locked or not.
> So I guess that you can use WinVNC only in application mode
> as long as you
> don't need to lock the workstation (or server).
> If you want to be able to reboot the remote system and then
> connect to it
> again, it should be set to run as a service. Otherwise WinVNC
> will not get
> started after reboot. And you could of course not connect to
> WinVNC again.
> --
> Sent through GMX FreeMail -
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