> What is the diffrence between making VNC a service that in in the Admin
> settings, and making it a scheduled task that starts every time the
> logs onto windows?

When I started WinVNC in application mode (when I logged onto Windows NT), I
could connect only as long as the computer was not locked. When it was
locked and I tried to connect, I got the password box but nothing happened.

When I set WinVNC to run as a service, I could connect to it successfully
wether the computer was locked or not.

So I guess that you can use WinVNC only in application mode as long as you
don't need to lock the workstation (or server).

If you want to be able to reboot the remote system and then connect to it
again, it should be set to run as a service. Otherwise WinVNC will not get
started after reboot. And you could of course not connect to WinVNC again.

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