Hi all,

Those of you that have been following the minor saga that is vncPatches68k
will be aware that there remains an outstanding issue concerning double-
clicks of Finder icons.

I believe that the latest version (vncPatches68k-tick) will finally sort    
out this issue. Those of you that use vncPatches68k, please download it and
let me know!


For the technically inclined (everyone else move on to the next e-mail now):

The cause of the double-click problem lies with the way that the Finder
'blocks' after an icon is clicked. The server then receives several mouse
events in one 'chunk' of data when the Finder releases the CPU, and the    
low level cursor manager routines (used by the TridiaVNC Server) filter out
such close events as being 'dubious'.

I have abandoned the PPostEvent patch that I used in the previous attempt 
(this could not possibly work, except on my Duo 2300 of course!) and instead
patched Tickcount - it appears that the Finder does call this routine during
that 'pause' after an icon is clicked, thereby providing a 'hook' for the
patches to give time to the server.
I did have to do a bit of work to prevent some nasty re-entrancy problems
(the server calls Tickcount in several places), and I also have a concern
about Carbon-compliant applications (because Tickcount is a bit different
under Carbon) - so please keep me informed of any stability problems you

Have a great Christmas, and best wishes for the New Year!

Adrian Umpleby
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