
If it helps you to know, I have used "host and vm" with the same OS
and use Debian Bullesye and Bookwork to host KVM and use Virt-Manager
on i5 8GB RAM, i7 32GB RAM, and AMD Ryzen 7 64 GB RAM, for Windows 7,
Windows 10, and various Linux distros. I use SSD and HD drives for
virtual storage.

I find KVM and Virt-Manager excellent for testing various Distros and
server software.

I have not had the issue that you have reported.

I have had stability issues with faulty RAM and used memtest from a
bootable USB to detect the faulty RAM, and once the RAM was replaced,
the stability issues stopped.

Not that I expect it matters all that much, what hardware are you
running KVM and Virt-Manager?  What OS are you hosting?  (i.e. are
the VMs?)


On Thursday, 20-07-2023 at 16:42 Leon Pollak wrote:

The only thing I can recommend (and it worked for me) is:

On Wed, 19 Jul 2023 at 21:48, woodcab  wrote:
> Seems you didn't get this.
> Hello,
>  I've been getting more of "virt-manager has stopped responding"
and was wondering what I can do to remedy this. I'm running Ubuntu
Mate 20.04 as the host and same for the VMs. Virt-manager version is
4.0. Any suggestions as to where to start looking?
>  Also wondering about running the host and vm with the same OS.
Are there any conflicts with doing that? Is there a recommended host
OS that would be better suited?
>  Thanks
> Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

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