usually I am a user of VirtualBox. There it is very easy to configure a
VM that way that it is visible in the current local network (e.g. a home
network with one simple rooter). You have to configure "bridge network"
in the VM.
I tried to do this with "virt-manager", too. But it wants the name of a
device and can't find it. I was looking around in the documentation and
for a HowTo but couldn't find something. I only can find tutorials about
vanially qemu configurations where I have to manipulate the network
config files of my own host. That is not an option. VirtualBox can
handle that by its own. And I assume that qemu is much more developed
that VB and it is possible somehow.
I know my description is to broad for a detailed answer. But maybe you
can point me into the right direction, give me a link to a howto or ask
some important questions that makes me think. ;)
- How to bridge network c . buhtz