he says he must use uefi, after i suggested seabios might fix the issue. says he cant passthru pci-e without uefi in proxmox.
back when i had this issue i solved it by going to seabios.
uefi reveals too much about your card to windows thus nvidia rejects it with code 43.

On 8/26/21 3:59 AM, Arjen wrote:

There is a free and helpful Proxmox forum, you might want to try. Lots of people use the GTX750 and also many have work-arounds for code 43 (generic windows driver error).

Newer version of Proxmox use newer versions of QEMU, which use newer version of the q35 virtual machine model. Maybe selecting an older version of q35, like 3.1 might help? They added versioning to the machine model especially because Windows doesn't handle changes to the machine very well.

-------- Original Message --------
On Aug 26, 2021, 09:30, Roger Lawhorn < r...@twc.com> wrote:
he apparently runs poxmox 62. but upgraded to 7.0.
maybe thats the issue.
On 8/25/21 9:19 AM, Alex Williamson wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 19:07:11 -0400
> Roger Lawhorn <r...@twc.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a friend using hypervisor and he cannot get his gtx750 TI passed
>> through.
>> He is getting the code 43.
>> He says he thinks its the card being too old.
>> Any ideas?
> I test with a GTX750, Maxwell is not too old.
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