On Tue, 2021-08-24 at 19:07 -0400, Roger Lawhorn wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a friend using hypervisor and he cannot get his gtx750 TI passed
> through.
> He is getting the code 43.
> He says he thinks its the card being too old.
> Any ideas?

>From my notes:

   Fix Nvidia "bug 43" (NOTE: may no longer be necessary with latest
   Nvidia drivers):
   sudo virsh edit <name-of-the-vm>
           Within the <features> section, remove everything between the
   <hyperv> tags, including the tags themselves.  In their place add
   the following tags:
                 <hidden state='on'/>
           Additionally, within the <clock> tag, find the timer named
   hypervclock, remove the line containing this tag completely.  Save
   and exit the edit session.

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