On Tue, 2017-11-07 at 19:45 +0000, Bronek Kozicki wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Nov 2017, at 06:27 PM, Tmplt wrote:
> > My monitor only has a single dual-link DVI input, so instead of
> > crawling
> > behind the system and fibble with the cables I've been looking for
> > a
> > switch setup. Thus far, I've been very unsuccessful. No DVI-
> > switches
> > appears to support this bandwidth and my searches for a simple 2-
> > to-1
> > DisplayPort switch (which I could probably use with an adapter)
> > have
> > yielded no fruit.
> I am using this switch
> https://www.amazon.co.uk/StarTech-com-Port-Resolution-Switch-Audio/dp
> /B004NNYILM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1510083758&sr=8-
> 1&keywords=startech+SV231DVIUAHR
> (
> https://www.startech.com/uk/Server-Management/KVM-Switches/2-Port-Hig
> h-Resolution-USB-DVI-Dual-Link-KVM-Switch-with-Audio~SV231DVIUAHR
> , my display resolution is 2560x1600 ). It is expensive, I think
> displayport one would have been cheaper. But it works.
> B.

I've used this display port switch in the past:

It worked well for 2560x1440 at 90Hz and I think 120Hz worked too.  It
even supports FreeSync.  I assume it would work with DVI adapters too,
but I'm pretty sure you would need active adapters which aren't very

I ended up returning it though since it completely disconnects the
monitor when switching, causing layout reconfiguration every time you
switch.  Apparently this is just an inherent problem with the
DisplayPort protocol and not just this switch, so you will definitely
have a better experience with a DVI switch if you don't need FreeSync.

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