Correction: I have absolutely no idea why I wrote "regression" where I
should have wrote "bug" in the previous mail. sorry.

2017-07-26 9:16 GMT+01:00, Hagbard Celine <>:
> After seeing that the older version fixed the problem for John and
> checking my archive of OVMF builds. I conclude that there is a
> upstream regression that manifest first in versions between
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160323.b1631.ga7b1590.noarch.rpm and
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160419.b1737.gc4cc609.noarch.rpm, then gets
> worse at newer versions. (Unless it is two issues, the first only
> responsible for approx. 5 sec boot delay)
> Timing form pressing Power-On in Virt-manager to the circle under win
> 10 logo shows:
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160323.b1631.ga7b1590.noarch.rpm: 18 sec
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160324.b1635.gf0bbcdf.noarch.rpm: 20 sec
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160419.b1737.gc4cc609.noarch.rpm: 25 sec
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160829.b2090.g5f53a7a.noarch.rpm: 87 sec
> Also edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160510.b1805.g05b2f9c.noarch.rpm hangs with
> no-cpu-usage, and
> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160829.b2090.g5f53a7a.noarch.rpm is the first
> version with cpu at 100% until windows starts booting.
> 2017-07-26 0:49 GMT+01:00, Blair Bethwaite <>:
>> Is there an upstream OVMF bug for the root cause or is it still unknown?
>> On 26 Jul. 2017 08:41, "John Koelndorfer" <> wrote:
>>> Good news, folks!
>>> Hagbard was kind enough to send an older build of OVMF he had lying
>>> around
>>> and suggested I try it. I did, and I am happy to report my VM boots very
>>> fast again! For safekeeping, I have committed it to my GitHub
>>> repository:
>>> master/workstation/vfio/edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20150804.b1143.
>>> g8ca1489.noarch.rpm. I believe that when I did my initial VFIO setup, I
>>> used a package from the AUR which may have been just old enough to avoid
>>> the problem.
>>> I may experiment some and see if any of the qemu parameters provided by
>>> Hristo make a difference with a current version of OVMF. For now, I'm
>>> happy
>>> my VM is booting quickly.
>>> Thanks very much for your help.
>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 7:22 PM, John Koelndorfer
>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> An update:
>>>> The slow boot does not occur if I remove host devices from the virtual
>>>> machine (without any other configuration changes). It doesn't matter
>>>> whether GPU, USB, or both are passed in. Any device being passed in at
>>>> all
>>>> triggers the problem, so it's something related to the physical device
>>>> passthrough I think.
>>>> An older version of OVMF did not help, nor did booting a non-Windows
>>>> OS.
>>>> I tried two alternate versions of OVMF from here:
>>>> One
>>>> from 2016 November, one from 2016 April. I initially did my last VFIO
>>>> setup
>>>> in 2016 July.
>>>> I also tried the pc-i440fx machine, per Hristo's suggestion (though I
>>>> tried 2.6, which was what my last configuration used).
>>>> Hristo, it seems your setup is very similar to mine, so I have a few
>>>> questions for you:
>>>> * Are you using libvirt?
>>>> * Could you send the qemu arguments for your VM?
>>>> * What are your kernel boot parameters?
>>>> My suspicion now is that libvirt is doing some extra configuration that
>>>> I'm not. I looked at my old libvirt XML file and nothing is jumping out
>>>> at
>>>> me, so maybe it's a hardcoded default behavior.
>>>> Thanks for all the suggestions so far, folks.
>>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Hagbard Celine
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, just registered to the list to share my experience on this;
>>>>> I've been getting my OVMF builds from since
>>>>> edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20150804.b1143.g8ca1489.noarch.rpm and was
>>>>> regularly updating when new builds came.
>>>>> Somwhere around edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20151221.b1390.g5ba9f06.noarch.rpm
>>>>> boot with large amounts of memory got slower.
>>>>> And around edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160324.b1634.g3decba3.noarch.rpm the
>>>>> EFI part of boot could last about 15min with 16GB assigned to VM out
>>>>> of a total of 32GB. Lovering the assigned memory for VM to below 8GB
>>>>> resulted in normal boot times.
>>>>> PS. The version numbers are approximations, my recollection is not
>>>>> exact.
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