Hi, just registered to the list to share my experience on this;

I've been getting my OVMF builds from kraxel.org since
edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20150804.b1143.g8ca1489.noarch.rpm and was
regularly updating when new builds came.
Somwhere around edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20151221.b1390.g5ba9f06.noarch.rpm
boot with large amounts of memory got slower.
And around edk2.git-ovmf-x64-0-20160324.b1634.g3decba3.noarch.rpm the
EFI part of boot could last about 15min with 16GB assigned to VM out
of a total of 32GB. Lovering the assigned memory for VM to below 8GB
resulted in normal boot times.

PS. The version numbers are approximations, my recollection is not exact.

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