Hi Pim,

This is what I goning to write and solved vesafb issue on this working.

Not only set video=vesafb:off, but also need to set following settings in


Even that, The monitor still shows on K420 and I still got Code 43 in the
At least it solved BAR 3 issue.

I never tried GRUB_GFXMODE yet, I'll give it a shot.


2017-06-13 13:47 GMT+08:00 Pim Pronk <v...@pronk.nl>:

> Could you try to edit /etd/default/grub and comment out all GRUB_GFXMODE=
> lines and add GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX="text". Afterwards run update-grub.
> This works for me on Ubuntu to passthrough my primary gpu.
> With kidn rgds, Pim
> On 13/06/17 04:02, Eddie Yen wrote:
> After tried video=vesafb:off, nomodeset, or nofb, still have no luck.
> vesafb still occupying the card......
> Okay, need to find another way, trying to set BMC as primary VGA.
> Anyway thanks for help, at least I had the way to solve it.
> Thanks,
> Eddie.
> 2017-06-13 9:44 GMT+08:00 Alex Williamson <alex.l.william...@gmail.com>:
>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Eddie Yen <missile0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex, thanks for the reply!
>>> I realized that primary VGA is usually controlled by BIOS, that mean can
>>> choose discrete GPU or BMC as primary VGA.
>>> Unfortunately this server doesn't include this option. So that I can't
>>> choose BMC as primary VGA, and seems like can't setup vesafb to use BMC
>>> manually.
>>> I'll try video=vesafb:off to see what happen.
>>> BTW, IME K2000 and higher need to be a secondary card in guest, is now
>>> still a same or it already can be primary card so that no QXL or something?
>> Correct, supported configs with Quadro assign the device as secondary in
>> the guest.
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