After tried video=vesafb:off, nomodeset, or nofb, still have no luck.
vesafb still occupying the card......

Okay, need to find another way, trying to set BMC as primary VGA.

Anyway thanks for help, at least I had the way to solve it.


2017-06-13 9:44 GMT+08:00 Alex Williamson <>:

> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Eddie Yen <> wrote:
>> Hi Alex, thanks for the reply!
>> I realized that primary VGA is usually controlled by BIOS, that mean can
>> choose discrete GPU or BMC as primary VGA.
>> Unfortunately this server doesn't include this option. So that I can't
>> choose BMC as primary VGA, and seems like can't setup vesafb to use BMC
>> manually.
>> I'll try video=vesafb:off to see what happen.
>> BTW, IME K2000 and higher need to be a secondary card in guest, is now
>> still a same or it already can be primary card so that no QXL or something?
> Correct, supported configs with Quadro assign the device as secondary in
> the guest.
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