Hi, just wanted to report my results:
I've bought the mainboard and the two CPUs. I'm successfully running
three gaming VMs (Geforce 770, 970, 1070) with 8 GB of RAM each.
There are no problems at all (like crashes or audio/USB problems)! Some
games (like Heroes of the Storm) show a large performance decrease
compared to native Windows installations, which I don't understand.
Other games, like Witcher 3, Division, Talos Principle, Battlefield 1
and Doom are able to max out my Geforce 1070 (GPU Load > 95% in GPU-Z).
In my first message, I mentioned that I'm hoping for DX12 and Vulkan to
improve the performance of games on my setup. I did a little benchmark
with Doom.
OpenGL: 90fps
Vulkan: 120fps
Other games (Talos Principle, Battlefield 1, Division) did not show a
better/worse performance with DX12 or Vulkan. However, they can already
max out my GPU with DX11. I've yet to test them in a more CPU intensive
Am 2016-12-23 10:14, schrieb Zachary Boley:
I run 2 Xeon 5540s currently with my passthrough build, nothing fancy
just a normal Windows 10 VM with passthrough and everything seems
setup real well (had to switch to RAW instead of qcow2). Other than
the occasional audio scratch up it runs pretty much like windows would
normally run. My only question im still struggling with is making sure
I pinned the correct cpu cores (physical not hyperthreaded). Otherwise
shouldnt be a massive problem
At first, I also found this a bit confusing. But numactl --hardware was
returning good information:
$numactl --hardware
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
node 0 size: 16083 MB
node 0 free: 15803 MB
node 1 cpus: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
node 1 size: 16125 MB
node 1 free: 8484 MB
node distances:
node 0 1
0: 10 20
1: 20 10
0-7 real cores of CPU #0, 16-23 hyperthreaded cores.
Cheers, Jan
On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Nicholas Sherlock
<n.sherl...@gmail.com> wrote:
That is the precise hardware configuration I'm running, with macOS
Sierra and Windows 10 guests. I pass through an R9 280X to Windows,
and a GeForce GTX 750 Ti to macOS without issues. macOS doesn't play
nice with the R9 280X if booting using SeaBIOS, triggering host
freezes on boot, but these problems go away under UEFI. I'm not much
of a gamer, and I don't have any game benchmarks on bare metal, but
games seem to play okay on the guest for me. I have a couple of blog
posts here about it, using Proxmox/KVM as the hypervisor:
I also pass through two of the onboard USB controllers and a NVMe
SSD to macOS. macOS seems to struggle a bit with sending audio
through USB, with dropouts every few hours requiring the USB audio
to be replugged, but this might just be the USB audio chipset. SSD
performance is significantly reduced in my macOS guest compared to
the host, which I'm assuming is a performance limitation of this
early CPU. Host achieves 74,000 random 4kB reads per second, while
guest only sees 33,000. I haven't played around with that enough to
pin down the cause.
Nicholas Sherlock
On 5 November 2016 at 02:56, Jan Wiele <j...@wiele.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,
inspired by [1] and in need of a new computer, I settled with the
idea to get
2x Xeon E5-2670 and an ASRock Rack EP2C602.
Its main purpose is to provide 2-3 (mediocre) gaming VMs with
(Nvidia) GPU-
passthrough. Before I buy these parts, I have some questions:
* Has anyone experience with this hardware configuration?
Especially regarding
* How does missing APIC-V impact the gaming performance? [2] shows
improvements in IO scenarios.
* Is there better hardware with the same value? The Mainboard + 2
CPUs will
cost me around 500€.
For the future, I hope that games can utilize more CPU cores and
that Vulkan/
DX12 with less API overhead, makes more space for the actual game.
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