Hi everyone, 
inspired by [1] and in need of a new computer, I settled with the idea to get 
2x Xeon E5-2670 and an ASRock Rack EP2C602. 

Its main purpose is to provide 2-3 (mediocre) gaming VMs with (Nvidia) GPU-
passthrough. Before I buy these parts, I have some questions:

* Has anyone experience with this hardware configuration? Especially regarding 
* How does missing APIC-V impact the gaming performance? [2] shows little 
improvements in IO scenarios.
* Is there better hardware with the same value? The Mainboard + 2 CPUs will 
cost me around 500€.

For the future, I hope that games can utilize more CPU cores and that Vulkan/
DX12 with less API overhead, makes more space for the actual game.


[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/vfio-users/2016-May/msg00122.html

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