Since I had already "played" GVT-g about a half of year, it's so excited
that Mediated device interface will come out at new kernel release.
For Intel GVT-g, now everything feels more stable since 2016Q3 release.
Before that, the host may crash if VM running some 3D applications.
Only few problems on it is about VM crash sometimes when running
applications. But I believe the kernel code is already stable.

Now the last step I guess is that how to merge them into libvirt, and since
kernel is ready, how can we use mdev by command or sth.

2016-12-19 15:28 GMT+08:00 Rokas Kupstys <>:

> On Thursday, 15 December 2016 17:30:32 EET Zir Blazer wrote:
> > You WILL see it on consumer grade GPUs on a massive scale, as any Intel
> > platform with a Broadwell or Skylake Processor with IGP will have access
> to
> > Intel GVT-g.
> Truth is that it will be of limited use because of that little power these
> GPUs have. People here are mostly because of games. Other usecases are
> already mostly covered. I never had any issues using GUI stuff in VM with
> fully virtualized GPU so i personally see little to no benefit in sharing
> intel igp with VM. I keep my fingers crossed it will extend beyond intel.
> On other news seems like AMD is following the suit with their gpu
> virtualization patches but from the sound of it seems like its pretty much
> for their FirePro GPUs.
> Virtualization-Patches
> --
> -- Rokas Kupstys
> --
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