On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 17:30:32 +0000
Zir Blazer <zir_bla...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> You WILL see it on consumer grade GPUs on a massive scale, as any Intel 
> platform with a Broadwell or Skylake Processor with IGP will have access to 
> Intel GVT-g. While the raw power of the Intel IGPs is a fraction of a bigger 
> Radeon or GeForce, they are rather on par with features, and as long that you 
> don't need a bigger GPU performance (Modern games, high resolutions or high 
> quality), it will be more than enough for the purpose of sharing one GPU 
> among multiple VMs.
> On Desktop systems, the absolutely most simple setup will be to use the Intel 
> IGP for host and other 3 VMs with vGPU in one Monitor, and VGA Passthrough of 
> a big Video Card for your Windows gaming VM in another Monitor.
> XenGT also supported Haswell IGPs, but when the Intel devs started working in 
> KVMGT, they only worked on Broadwell+ and left Haswell out. I was 
> disappointed by that since I have a Haswell Processor. Maybe someone will 
> eventually want to port XenGT Haswell support to KVMGT, as most of the code 
> should be done...
> What I don't know is how much work upstreaming KVMGT is left. They already 
> mainlined the guest Linux vGPU Drivers many Kernels ago, and also did it with 
> Windows, too. With this, they are getting in the host Linux Drivers for GPU 
> Virtualization support. I THINK they had already added the required code to 
> QEMU, too, but I'm not 100% sure about that since I can't find a clear 
> changelog, they are just talking about IGD Passthrough, which is not the same.
> Regardless, chances are that in around 3-4 months with Linux Kernel 4.10 and 
> next QEMU, iGVT-g is going for the masses. I have been waiting for this 
> moment since I first heared about XenGT THREE YEARS AGO...

One of the advantages of the vfio mediated device interface is that API
exposed to the user, and thus QEMU, is identical to a directly assigned
device.  Therefore AFAIK, there are no QEMU changes necessary for
KVMGT.  This guide still indicates support for 4th generation (aka
Haswell), but I don't know how accurate it is:



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