Would you mind sharing your scripts?

P.S. I think my e-mail client initially showed your e-mail containing an attachment, but after all I do not see any attachment.

On 09/29/2016 08:35 AM, Rokas Kupstys wrote:

What i did is binding a hotkey to script that attaches mouse and keyboard usb devices to VM. On windows side i made script that detaches mouse and keyboard from VM. Works really good on games too.

Rokas Kupstys
On 2016.09.29 06:57, Abdulla Bubshait wrote:
I had this very same problem and realized that the best way to get a problem setup for gaming is to get a dedicated USB controller and pass it to the windows guest. I got a hardware USB switch to allow switching of the keyboard and mouse, but when the guest is running I typically use synergy with Windows as the server and Linux the client.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016, 16:47 Jonas Camillus Jeppesen <jona...@sdu.dk <mailto:jona...@sdu.dk>> wrote:

    Hi everyone

    This is not strictly vfio related, but many people associate vfio
    gaming on virtual machines on Linux, so that's my justification for
    posting my question here.

    How is your mouse and keyboard setup for gaming on Windows guests?

    By gaming I mean you pass your dedicated GPU through to a Windows
    7 or
    10 guest to play Counter Strike, World of Warcraft, Rocket League,
    Skyrim etc.

    Personally I've only tried Synergy with the Linux host as server, and
    Win 10 guest as client. This works reasonably well for non-first
    shooters (FPS). In FPS games the camera tends to go completely
    when moving the mouse.

    Are people binding mouse/keyboard to the guest (no longer usable on
    host), and then run the Synergy on Windows, and client on Linux host?

    I look forward to hear about your setups! The goal is to have
    mouse and
    keyboard on both Linux host and Windows host, and mouse working in 3D
    games (like CS, WoW, etc.).

    / Jonas

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