On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Alex Williamson <
alex.l.william...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It means his version of libvirt is too old to recognize the tag and
> generates an error parsing the xml because it's unknown.  The referenced
> xml doesn't include anything that would trigger hyper-v afaict, so the
> vendor id should not even be necessary, but the resulting process args (ps
> aux | grep qemu) would confirm.  Note that Code 43 is a generic error code
> for the driver, it can also be generated when, for instance, an aux power
> plug is left disconnected.

Ah ok -- I'm not familiar enough to know when libvirt started supporting
vendor_id in XML, and I didn't look up his versions. I just remembered
being able to pass vendor_id as a command line argument months before being
able to add it into the XML... so I never implemented it (I just went
without HyperV, figuring I'm casual, and I don't want to mess around with a
CLI wrapper; virt-manager was good enough). When the entry in the XML *DID*
become supported then I added it, and ran into XML validation problems
because I added it incorrectly.
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