Solving the libvirt version issue is easy enough.  Add
ppa:jacob/virtualisation and upgrade libvirt.  He's got 2.1.0 in there,
along with updated versions of qemu and virt-manager.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Alex Williamson <
> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Will Marler <> wrote:
>> Simon, are you able to boot your VM with GPU passthrough and no Code 43
>> errors without enabling any hyperv features? Do this first, then move on to
>> enabling Hyper V.
>> "I cannot place the vendor_id flag in the xml because it is validated in
>> the Ubuntu package" -- what does this mean? Is there something specific to
>> the Ubuntu package that is checking the XML syntax and saying "vendor_id is
>> invalid?" When I got around to enabling HyperV on my VM, I ran into a
>> similar XML "validation" situation. But this was on Arch, not Ubuntu.
>> Ultimately I traced the problem down to putting a tag in the wrong
>> subsection. I'm afraid I didn't take notes, and don't remember the
>> specifics.
> It means his version of libvirt is too old to recognize the tag and
> generates an error parsing the xml because it's unknown.  The referenced
> xml doesn't include anything that would trigger hyper-v afaict, so the
> vendor id should not even be necessary, but the resulting process args (ps
> aux | grep qemu) would confirm.  Note that Code 43 is a generic error code
> for the driver, it can also be generated when, for instance, an aux power
> plug is left disconnected.
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