On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Torbjorn Jansson < torbjorn.jans...@mbox200.swipnet.se> wrote:
> Hello all. > Hi Torbjorn, got a few questions regarding win10, gpu passthru and the config of the vm, > but first thing first. > > my first attempts at passing thru my old gtx570 only worked once and > second boot always resulted in a hardlock of host. > > now i have replaced it with a gtx970 and things work much better. > my host is running fedora 22 so it only have qemu 2.3.1. > this means i have to use the old style libvirt settings of hiding kvm and > so on to get the nvidia drivers working. > So first things first, care to elaborate on your host specs? I assume that you were doing the UEFI/OVMF approach on passing through the GPU? this works just fine, so my next step was to see if i can get a newer > version of qemu and use the hv_vendor_id workaround instead. > checked out the stable-2.5 branch from git and compiled it and setup the > wrapper scrips as documented in previous mails on this list and then edited > the libvirt xml file to point to the right wrapper script. > > vm booted just fine but at this stage i still have the old hyperv and kvm > settings turned off. > since hv_vendor_id is supposed to make that not needed i tried to turn > them back on again and as soon as i did win10 crashes at boot with system > thread exception. > it doesnt matter which one i turn back on again, just one is enough to > cause a crash. > i tried each one in order to see if i could find the one causing it, but > any single option of those is enough to cause the crash. > > i suspect this crash only happens when hv_vendor_id is specified. > Please share your libvirt XML and your runtime QEMU command line (ps -ef | grep qemu) when the guest runs. any advice on how to get win10 to boot without system thread exception with > hv_vendor_id specified and the hyperv and kvm options turned on? > i read something about x2apic but i don't fully understand what to do. > > i also tried to change cpu model to core2duo with no success. > do we know what driver is causing the system thread exception? > anyone analyzed the crashdump via a debugger? What are your VirtIO driver version that you used for the boot drive? Some version crashes or make the guest slow. Best regards, Okky Hendriansyah
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