This is the conclusion that I'd come to. I'd rather have a card that physically 
works properly but with work arounds for driver the drivers than a card that's 
physically broken from from the start.

"Bonaire and Hawaii GPUs do not respond to a bus reset.  This is a bug in the 

From: Alex Williamson <>
Sent: 12 May 2016 15:01:00
To: Janusz
Cc: Dik ....;
Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Recommended GPU

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Janusz 
<<>> wrote:
4.2.0 is old, have you tried newer one? I am on 4.5, on 4.4 also don't remember 
any problems.
what other hardware do you have?

I can't imagine what's been changed in newer host kernels that would have any 
effect on this issue.  For my personal use with GPU assignment, I would not 
consider an AMD card that hasn't been thoroughly vetted by multiple sources.  
NVIDIA may or may not be actively working against us, but for the time being we 
know how to work around everything.  That may change any given day, but if that 
day comes you can ebay the card in protest or just run older drivers and hope 
that we can figure out yet another workaround.
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