I'll try an more recent kernel

I'm using a Gigabyte GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5 and a 4790k. I had none of these 
problems when I ran the 7950 but the 7950 isn't really up to much anymore, 
especially not on my 1440p.

From: Janusz <janusz...@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 May 2016 14:01:05
To: Dik ....; vfio-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Recommended GPU

4.2.0 is old, have you tried newer one? I am on 4.5, on 4.4 also don't remember 
any problems.
what other hardware do you have?

W dniu 12.05.2016 o 14:58, Dik .... pisze:
From: Janusz <janusz...@gmail.com><mailto:janusz...@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 May 2016 13:56:10
To: Dik ....; vfio-users@redhat.com<mailto:vfio-users@redhat.com>
Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Recommended GPU

What kernel are you using?

W dniu 12.05.2016 o 14:53, Dik .... pisze:

I am also using OVMF for this VM. The problem seems intermittent and I am 
slightly convinced that leaving the VM running for a while until the load (not 
CPU / IO related) falls to normal (~zero) before shutting the VM down. 
Occasionally this works. Occasionally.

Quite frankly this is the last straw for me, Linux and AMD GPUs. After years of 
problems and against my better judgment I was advised on a forum and proceeded 
to buy this 290x. Never again!

From: Janusz <janusz...@gmail.com><mailto:janusz...@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 May 2016 13:35:35
To: Dik ....; vfio-users@redhat.com<mailto:vfio-users@redhat.com>
Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Recommended GPU

W dniu 12.05.2016 o 14:24, Dik .... pisze:

I currently have a R9 290x (Hawaii) "working" but it has issues related to this 
bug covered by this patch: https://goo.gl/DI9cvH

The patch was implemented in QEMU 2.4 and I'm running 2.5. While this patch 
does seem to help I still have problems. After I shutdown the VM I'm often 
unable to suspend or shutdown the host. Amongst other symptoms lspci and lshw 
both hang giving no output. I had none of these issues with an old 7950 I had 
installed before the 290x.

I've come to the conclusion that the 290x is worth more to me on eBay than in 
my machine. Question is would I be better off with nVidia and if so does anyone 
have any feedback with regard to GTX 970 and 980 cards?

Thanks in advance

If you decide to go with another gpu, better wait some time, new cards from 
nvidia and amd are comming soon. If you don't want to go with new cards - I am 
sure older one will be cheaper. With nvidia there is problem with some hyperv 
options, if nvidia detects it doesn't allow to boot VM. But there was some way 
around this.
Btw, I have R9 290 (also Hawaii) and since I started using ovmf, I never had 
reset problem with my gpu.

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