On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Stein van Broekhoven <st...@aapjeisbaas.nl>

> I tried 2 things to avoid: "fglrx driver claiming the interrupt"
> Start vm before fglrx gets to claiming it. (bad idea!)
> Edit xorg related config to see what is connecting the driver to the card.
> (better idea)
> All i found was PCI:1:0:0 (first GPU) in the config
> Also tried "# aticonfig --adapter=0 --initial" and got the same config as
> my system created for me.
> Any ideas on how i can keep the following process from claiming it?
> dmesg:
> [   12.361476] <6>[fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 659
> [   12.361547] <6>[fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 660
> [   12.361616] <6>[fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 661
> [   12.361730] <6>[fglrx] IRQ 55 Enabled
> [   12.439300] <6>[fglrx] Reserved FB block: Shared offset:0, size:1000000
> [   12.439302] <6>[fglrx] Reserved FB block: Unshared offset:fab4000,
> size:4000
> [   12.439303] <6>[fglrx] Reserved FB block: Unshared offset:fab8000,
> size:548000
> ps faux:
> root         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:53   0:00 [kthreadd]
> ...
> root       659  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:53   0:00  \_
> [firegl]
> ...

As I said before, you need to use pci-stub or vfio-pci to prevent fglrx
from claiming the device, follow something like this guide -

I can't guess why trying to start the vm before fglrx was a "bad idea" in
your first case, getting pci-stub or vfio-pci bound to the device before
fglrx can break it is usually the recommended practice.  In the simplest
case, just add pci-stub.ids=1002:6758 to your kernel commandline.
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