You can assign it to the VM if you want, altho you don't need to, if you
don't use HDMI audio. I never assigned it to the VM and VGA passthrough
worked fine. I'm just saying, once you've bound vfio-pci to it, leave it
assigned to the HDMI audio device. Unbinding vfio-pci from GPU audio
frequently caused a kernel oops or locked up the system over here.

And yes, a full shutdown (holding down SHIFT while clicking on Start ->
Shutdown) bypasses the fast startup. I'm not sure how fast startup messes
with the shutdown sequence, but QEMU doesn't like it one bit.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 9:06 PM, Jens Zimmermann <> wrote:

> Mario, I am using vfio-pci to bind the GPU audio and then assign it to the
> VM. So are you suggesting to not assign it to the VM in the first place or
> what do you do? :-)
> Concerning Windows fast startup, I know about the option you are talking
> about and I had searched for it before already, but it does not exist on my
> Windows for whatever reason (maybe because it is not activated yet). If I
> understand it correctly the full shutdown should prevent the fast startup
> though.
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