I had a similar issue with the system. Turned out rebinding GPU audio
caused some drama. The first time around I bind it to vfio-pci, then I
leave it bound to that (since I don't use GPU audio to begin with). My
issues went away. I can bind and unbind the nvidia driver as I please, but
not the HDMI audio device on the card for whatever reason.

As far as Windows 10 goes, you should disable fast startup. It caused my
Windows 10 VM to get stuck during shutdown, then getting the whole system
locked up eventually (NMI watchdog and everything). Go to "Power Options ->
Choose what the power buttons do", in there you can disable fast startup.


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 11:03 PM, Nick Sukharev <nicksukha...@gmail.com>

> I have the same mobo and CPU and I have a similar issue with AMD cards. I
> can go may be through 5-6 VM restarts before the host completely freezes. I
> thought it is called "AMD reset issue" but may be not considering that you
> have NVidia cards. For me it seems to matter what PCIE slot the card uses,
> what slot you are trying with passthrough card?
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Jens Zimmermann <
> zimmermannjens...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello guys!
>> I have a Windows 10 VM with GPU passsthrough working for around 2 months
>> now and while there were no problems in the very beginning as far as I can
>> tell, soon after the VM started to freeze my Linux sometimes after I shut
>> it down.
>> The strange thing is that it does not happen every time. It seems like it
>> usually happens when the VM was running for quite some time like an hour or
>> two.
>> I thought it may be the Windows shut down which is by default some kind
>> of hibernate, so I shut down Windows by using the command "shutdown /s
>> /t0", but that did not help. I also tried force stopping the VM, that led
>> to a freeze as well.
>> I presume the error is caused by Linux not being able to integrate the
>> virtual/passed through hardware into the system again somehow. Perhaps it's
>> the memory since the freezes usually happen when the VM was running for
>> some time, but this is just a wild guess, I am no linux expert at all.
>> This is journalctl of the most recent freeze, VM was started at 20:13 and
>> shut down at 21:09, followed by a freeze: http://pastebin.com/mwQsFsKB
>> In comparison this time it did not freeze, start at 21:33, finishes at
>> 21:55: http://pastebin.com/YGPnVPBD
>> My setup: i7-5820k, ASRock x99 Extreme 4, 16GB RAM, nvidia 210 & 750 Ti,
>> two monitors, mice and keyboards, Manjaro 15.12 with kernel 4.1, qemu
>> 2.4.1-2, libvirt 1.3.1-2, virt-manager 1.3.2-2
>> qemu xml: http://pastebin.com/WPupqDEv
>> I would be glad to provide you more information, just tell me what you
>> want and how I can get it.
>> I really appreciate any suggestion, I am out of ideas now.
>> Regards,
>> Jens
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