My system lets me optimize (when it isn't busy crashing)

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:26 PM Okky Hendriansyah <>

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 11:09, Will Marler <> wrote:
> Found this on the Arch wiki, but setting the kvm option didn't change
> anything:
> Hi Will,
> That ignore MSRS config is just to ignore the guest's request on CPU
> frequency scaling as it is not relevant. Some games need this config and
> I'm pretty sure it's safe. I had mine ignored also.
> And I'm not sure what the unintended consequences might be that the Wiki
> warns about, so I'll be setting that back. Pretty sure I can optimize
> manually.
> The NVIDIA GeForce Experience optimization is basically auto set the most
> descent performance/picture quality based on presets available on NVIDIA's
> database and your hardware combination. It doesn't do any optimization
> magic actually.
> And yea ... I did notice that shutting down the VM and powering it back on
> was not the same as a reboot, according to the Windows 10 system. I had
> changed the hostname, powered off, powered on ... Windows said "the name
> will be changed when the computer reboots." O.o
> I noticed that reboots are often slower than power off and power on again
> in Windows 10. Also I had this CPU recognize issue also in both my physical
> and virtual machine. On physical machiine I had to do a couple of
> reboots/cold power off to force Windows 10 to rescan the underlying CPU,
> other alternative is to use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to completely
> uninstall the graphics and reinstall it again fresh, which I did that on my
> guest.
> Best regards,
> Okky Hendriansyah
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