> On Jan 24, 2016, at 17:47, Jonathan Scruggs <j.scru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Okky,

Hi Jon,

> I'm having trouble reproducing your results with Dota 2. I turned on Network 
> stats which gives me a constant 112 FPS.
> My setup is now Kernel 4.1.15 with Qemu 2.5 with with all of Gerds latest 
> patches, except for one. The new patch enables repeat to be turned on and 
> off. The passthroughed (new word I guess) keyboard and mouse are registered 
> as a PS/2 device instead of USB. That's the default that qemu wanted.

This event happened quite some time ago, and if I recall correctly Gerd was 
rapidly updating his patches after my initial feedbacks and it was already 
resolved in his following patches, I forgot which of his emails though.

> In your setup, is the keyboard/mouse on USB or PS/2?

I actually had redundancy on my setup so I plugged PS/2 keyboard and a USB 
mouse dedicated to Linux host, and another pair of USB keyboard and mouse 
dedicated to Windows guest for use with Gerd's patches.

> When I tried the Lone Druid, I selected Demo instead of an actual play. Would 
> this affect it?
> Also, when I summon the bear companion, holding down CTRL doesn't select the 
> whole group. I manually select the whole group and then holding down CTRL 
> lets me move the Druid only.

I think it was the same, though I did not try it on demo. I manually change the 
Ctrl button to let me control all of my hero's minions (bear, boar, eagle, 
etc). It's just purely preferences. 

> Can you provide a detailed game play so I can try to reproduce?

I haven't tried mapping the Ctrl button to other "neutral" button, since Gerd's 
already released another patch for it and resolved the issue.

> Or is it just your hardware? Were you running Qemu 2.4 before and now using 
> 2.5? Could you try the new patches with repeat on compiled into 2.5 and see 
> if the trouble remains?

Seemed like the issue was something related to repeating or holding button, 
that in the following sequences like it stops registering the input. As per why 
I had this flickery display I had no clue.

> For me, I don't loose a single frame holding down multiple keys at a time and 
> spamming the right-click.
> Thanks,
> Jon

Yes, I think Gerd's latest patches already covered this "bug".

Best regard,
Okky Hendriansyah

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