I gave up on my USB 3.0 card, I believe mine used a uPD720200 chipset
though. I couldn't get it to be stable. It would work great, then all of a
sudden would stop working. Only a host reboot would fix it.

On Friday, November 27, 2015, Brett Foster <fost...@edgeandvertex.org>

> Hi,
> I have a uPD720201 USB 3.0 controller card installed and mapped to my VM.
> Many devices work fine, however a number of devices fail to enumerate. For
> example, I have tried 4 different USB hubs (2 and 3). Some flash/disk
> drives work while others don't. My USB CAN/LIN USB adapter doesn't work.
> Some devices are USB 3. Some are USB 2.
> I've never seen this kind of behaviour before. Does anybody have
> experience with this controller?
> Brett


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