On 19.12.2012 13:52, Ingo Prochaska wrote:
Am 19.12.2012 10:36, schrieb eikesa...@t-online.de:

clue how to accomblish this...
There's a define LIVEPRIORITY somewhere in the code. If you would
set it to MAXPRIORITY and recompile, you might get what you need.
Recorders couldn't claim the device used for live viewing becausethey
would have lower priority. Disclaimer: I didn't try it.


After a first test: it works. I have three devices - I started two 
live-recordings and generated a timer within the next 3 minutes watching a 
fourth transponder. When the timer should kick in nothing happens. So far - so 

But really nothing happens: no channelswitch - but also no conflict warning or 
any info about not serving the timer. So this might be the first step in 
direction to solve this (social ;) ) problem. Perhaps a LIVEPRIORITY of 98 
makes sense here, so that you can configure timers that are more
important then viewing live TV.

Klaus, I understand that you do not want to introduce more features before 2.0 
and I understand that this is a very marginal issue. But if you have an idea, 
how to get vdr to spill a message about this situation, I would be very glad if 
you could help us people with too many timers out.

Well, since I won't adopt any such change (mainly because it makes things more
complex than they already are) I'm afraid you're on your own here.
You might want to look at

              if (!cRecordControls::Start(Timer))
                 LastTimerChannel = Timer->Channel()->Number();

in vdr.c, where SetPending() is called. If you want to issue a message
whenever a timer can't start, that might be a place to dig in.


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