On 19.12.2012 11:22, eikesa...@t-online.de wrote:

Why would you want that?
It would deprive you of possible recording opportunities!

Some time ago, my girlfriend wondered why our box was switching to
another programme and she couldn't switch back. A second recording
had been started and both tuners where occupied.

If you program that many timers, you obviously want them to be recorded.
So you should let VDR make the most use of its available resources.
Otherwise just don't set that many timers ;-)

I don't know how VDR handles this situation, but I liked what my old
box, Gigaset M740AV, did: It asked the user for advice (not start the
recording, stop one of the running recordings or switch live channel),
and if he didn't react (so obviously no-one cared to watch live TV),
it switched so it could do the recording.

"stop one of the running recordings" - yea right! Which one?
Typical dialog:

He:  "I wonder why that damned VDR recorded only half of the game last night?!
      Honey, did you mess with it?"
She: "Well, I wanted to watch my soap opera and that thing asked me which
      recording it should interrupt. The choices were 'My other soap opera'
      and 'Some game'. Since I didn't care about the 'game', I chose that one."
He:  "!@@&%?#^@@@!!&%!!!"

You just can't win them all... ;-)


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