Am 21.10.2011 20:47, schrieb
> I have installed VDR. It runs great, but it has one problem. It does not
> delete my old recordings. I have a lot of recordings, and they all have a
> lifetime of 0. See also the following info file:

VDR deletes old recordings if
- Disk space on the root video directory is less than 1Gb (39 min)
- The recording is on the file system(s) of the root video directory
- The recording is not edited (does not start with %)
- The guaranteed lifetime has expired (99 never expires)
- In case of lifetime=0, the current recording needs higher priority
than the old recording

The first two rules about the root video directory do account for
everything within the usual /video.00, /video.01, etc. folders, but not
any directory trees mounted to sub-directories. So if you mount a disk
to /video/archive, disk space will not count there, and nothing will be



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