Hi All,

I have installed VDR. It runs great, but it has one problem. It does not
delete my old recordings. I have a lot of recordings, and they all have a
lifetime of 0. See also the following info file:

T Ultimate survival: Arizona Sky Islands
D Bear Grylls is in Arizona, het land van de Apachen, waar hij laat zien
hoe je in de uitgestrekte gebieden met bloedhete woestijnen en ijskoude bergen
kunt overleven.
G 81
F 25
P 50
L 0

In /var/log/everything.log I see the following messages:

Oct 21 20:42:04 localhost vdr: [31323] low disk space while recording, trying
to remove a deleted recording...
Oct 21 20:42:04 localhost vdr: [31323] ...no deleted recording found, trying
to delete an old recording...
Oct 21 20:42:04 localhost vdr: [31323] ...no old recording found, giving

Why doesn't vdr delete the above recording with a lifetime of 0?

I run the folowing versions:
VDR version 1.7.19 started
loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-xineliboutput.so.1.7.19
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+
capture code
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] [live] INFO: validating server ip
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading plugin: 
Oct 19 21:13:57 localhost vdr: [26241] loading /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf

Best regards,


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