On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Laz <l...@club-burniston.co.uk> wrote:
> Sounds good. How are you running iPlayer, etc.? Through Firefox or
> equivalent?

No. Boxee (and XBMC) provide BBC iplayer apps formatted for the big
screen that require only a remote control to navigate.

> I've got a couple of Media MVPs hanging off of my setup too! They won't do
> HD, though. :-(

No, but my other screens are both 19" so HD doesn't really matter to
me - the screens are too small to warrant HD.

There is a Media MVP HD out, but its not supported yet - I think there
is some work going on (see VOMP forum) but I wouldn't hold your breath
for awhile, if ever, due to the API not being public.


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