> Why not exclusively use the yaVDR repositories?

My winter project has been to migrate my old hand compiled VDR-1.7.0
system using Reel EHD to yaVDR (distro) using a Nvidia GT210 with HDMI
audio. Its taken a bit of tweaking to get somewhere near (mostly
addressing audio sync issues when I used the motherboard sound card
via SPDIF) but now I can get HD video with multichannel audio through
VDR and also switch from the VDR main menu into Boxee (need to add
this yourself) to handle playing local media (and free movies provided
in the library) as well as running apps such as BBC iplayer and all
the hundreds of other TV apps available (You Tube, Browser, Flickr,

I also compiled up the vomp mediaplayer plugin to drive my 2 Hauppauge
Media MVPs (TV and media distributed through the house) and hooked it
up to my rotor (rotor plugin seems pretty unstable though and crashes
VDR regularly) and use channel scan to find sat channels.

I'm really pleased with it as it makes a great HTPC and Internet TV
App solution and it has a high WAF.

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