On 08/29/10 15:29, Petri Helin wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether what I experienced yesterday is really the way
> VDR functions at the moment. I have two tuner cards, one in pci slot
> and another connected via usb. While VDR was running I disconnected
> the antenna cable from the pci card in order to connect it to a hd
> cable ready set-top box. This resulted in a 0 sized recording due to
> VDR not switching the tuner to the one still connected to the antenna.
> You can see this in the following log entries:
> Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] frontend 0/0 provides DVB-C
> ("VLSI VES1820 DVB-C")
> Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] frontend 1/0 provides DVB-C
> ("Philips TDA10023 DVB-C")
> Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] tuner on frontend 0/0 thread
> started (pid=1282, tid=1344)
> Aug 28 18:36:30 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 lost lock on channel 1, tp 
> 274
> Aug 28 18:36:32 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 1, tp 274
> Aug 28 18:37:26 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 1, tp 274
> Aug 28 18:37:53 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 1, tp 274
> Aug 28 18:38:11 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 7, tp 274
> Aug 28 18:39:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 7, tp 274
> ...
> Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] switching device 1 to channel 7
> Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] timer 1 (7 2155-2351 'Tapaus
> Wilson (K15)') start
> Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] Title: 'Tapaus Wilson (K15)'
> Subtitle: '(null)'
> Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] record
> /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08-
> Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] creating directory
> /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)
> Aug 28 21:55:01 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 7, tp 274
> Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] creating directory
> /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08-
> Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] recording to
> '/data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08-'
> Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] recording thread started
> (pid=1282, tid=5921)
> Aug 28 21:55:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1348] channel 2 (TV2) event La
> 28.08.2010 21:55-22:05 'Urheiluruutu' status 4
> Aug 28 21:55:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] max. latency time 14 seconds
> Aug 28 21:55:44 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] ERROR: video data stream broken
> Aug 28 21:55:44 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] emergency exit request ignored
> according to setup
> Aug 28 21:56:04 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while
> tuning to channel 7, tp 274
> As you can see, I have turned the emergency exit off, but I'd have
> thought that VDR would have been able to try the other tuner without
> emergency exit being activated. However, this does not seem to be the
> case. Is there any reason for that?

Well, VDR just assumes that all devices are present and can receive
all the time. One might think of a mechanism like the one that VDR
uses to select a CAM (it temporarily disables using a CAM that has been
found to not decrypt a given channel), but that's just not implemented.


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