Hi, I was wondering whether what I experienced yesterday is really the way VDR functions at the moment. I have two tuner cards, one in pci slot and another connected via usb. While VDR was running I disconnected the antenna cable from the pci card in order to connect it to a hd cable ready set-top box. This resulted in a 0 sized recording due to VDR not switching the tuner to the one still connected to the antenna. You can see this in the following log entries:
Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] frontend 0/0 provides DVB-C ("VLSI VES1820 DVB-C") Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] frontend 1/0 provides DVB-C ("Philips TDA10023 DVB-C") Aug 28 17:31:56 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] tuner on frontend 0/0 thread started (pid=1282, tid=1344) Aug 28 18:36:30 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 lost lock on channel 1, tp 274 Aug 28 18:36:32 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 1, tp 274 Aug 28 18:37:26 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 1, tp 274 Aug 28 18:37:53 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 1, tp 274 Aug 28 18:38:11 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 7, tp 274 Aug 28 18:39:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 7, tp 274 ... Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] switching device 1 to channel 7 Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] timer 1 (7 2155-2351 'Tapaus Wilson (K15)') start Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] Title: 'Tapaus Wilson (K15)' Subtitle: '(null)' Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] record /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08- Aug 28 21:55:00 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] creating directory /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15) Aug 28 21:55:01 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 7, tp 274 Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] creating directory /data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08- Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] recording to '/data/video/Tapaus_Wilson_(K15)/2010-08-' Aug 28 21:55:13 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] recording thread started (pid=1282, tid=5921) Aug 28 21:55:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1348] channel 2 (TV2) event La 28.08.2010 21:55-22:05 'Urheiluruutu' status 4 Aug 28 21:55:14 vdrkone2 vdr: [1282] max. latency time 14 seconds Aug 28 21:55:44 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] ERROR: video data stream broken Aug 28 21:55:44 vdrkone2 vdr: [5921] emergency exit request ignored according to setup Aug 28 21:56:04 vdrkone2 vdr: [1344] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 7, tp 274 As you can see, I have turned the emergency exit off, but I'd have thought that VDR would have been able to try the other tuner without emergency exit being activated. However, this does not seem to be the case. Is there any reason for that? -Petri _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr