Am Donnerstag, den 24.12.2009, 20:00 -0800 schrieb VDR User:
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Klaus Schmidinger
> <> wrote:
> > At some point the shutdown mechanism apparently became "rocket science"
> > and I decided to no longer touch it (especially since I don't even use
> > it myself).
> ;)
> Personally I don't see any real reason to ever shut down/wakeup
> feature.  Maybe that's useful for guys running VDR on laptops or old
> pc's that consume a lot of power(?).  I only use VDR in my living room
> as my main tv/media source, and on a test box for messing around with
> but that's it.  I don't actually watch tv on a computer monitor.

Sorry, I do not get your reasoning. Do you mean if a system uses less
than 5 – or a different number – watts it does not need to be shut down?

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