On 23.12.2009 13:14, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Steffen Barszus schrieb:
>> Ian Bates schrieb:
>>> There is also a detailed section in the INSTALL document:
>> Thanks i have to admit i only checked the manpages.
>>> If a timer is currently recording, or a recording would start within the
>>> next 30 minutes (default for the "Min. event timeout" setup
>>> parameter), and
>>> the user insists in shutting down now, the first and second parameter
>>> will
>>> correspond to a time that is "Min. event timeout" minutes in the future.
>>> Before the shutdown program is called, the user will be prompted to
>>> inform
>>> him that the system is about to shut down. If any remote control key is
>>> pressed while this prompt is visible, the shutdown will be cancelled
>>> (and
>>> tried again later). The shutdown prompt will be displayed for 5
>>> minutes, which
>>> should be enough time for the user to react.
>> So its really a "feature" - Whats the use case for this - except for
>> the surprise ? Should a shutdown script try to  "fix" that  ?
> To answer to myself - there should be at least any sign that the
> shutdown skript can differentiate between
> real timer 30+ min in the future or if this feature kicked in. This is
> not possible at the moment. I would prefer
> vdr is not calculating this and just providing the real time of the timer.
> Someone who would have a problem with this ? Klaus, can this be changed ?

At some point the shutdown mechanism apparently became "rocket science"
and I decided to no longer touch it (especially since I don't even use
it myself).

You may want to discuss this with Udo Richter <udo_rich...@gmx.de>,
because he wrote most of the shutdown handling code.


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