On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 13:21 +0300, Lauri Tischler wrote:

> I should have said 'needing X to run HD-VDR is stupid"..
> I sure wish there was a NEXUS-FF-S2 card with HDMI 1080p output,
> or similar, I dont like X and GUIs in general.
> In old Byte Magazine guy named Steve Ciarcia said "the best compiler
> is solder", still true.

You should be able to get a VDPAU capable VDR front-end running without
compiling yourself code. E.g. in Ubuntu Jaunty there is VDPAU capable
X11 driver (plus development files). Then add from some extra repository
to get xine-vdpau and vdr-sxfe. It's also easy to set up X to go up
without login or without any Gnome or KDE environment of window manager.
Just one vdr-sxfe window as full screen and there you are. I expect
other graphics chipsets are also getting there in the future like AMD
and Intel. 

I'm myself compiling from source and prefer to use other applications as
well. As an example Google Earth as 46" full-HD is stunning for couch


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