Op Vr, 4 september, 2009 19:39, schreef VDR User:
> All I'm saying is you seem to have a hardware problem that should be
> addressed @ the vendors customer service/product support.  Have you
> even bothered to contact them?  Maybe there's already a fix/solution
> waiting for you there.

IMHO, that's not a correct assumption to begin with. For your information,
I don't have this problem with ReelVDR in combination with the same
plugins. As a matter of fact, I don't encounter none of the issues I have
with the vanilla vdr 1.7.x using the same plugin-versions.

So a correct assumption would be, that this problem may be the result of a
bug in the reelbox plugin as well as the other eHD plugins.

However, more then a month ago my HTPC broke down as well as my
tv-furniture and TV (plasma fell down and took the HTPC with it). But
currently I'm awaiting my new hardware and I hope to do some more testing
after the weekend.


Niels Wagenaar

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