>> Suspend to RAM as always been a pain in my various trials, but this
>> is a much simpler goal than a complete laptop. Virtually no device
>> to take down/bring up on a pure streamdev client. NFS handles must
>> just survive the long delay, but it should be OK.
> 7 seconds until I get a picture on my EPIA 6000. And this is still pretty
> long, as I need to upload DXR3 firmware first, then start VDR.


Are you using just a normal distro like rhat or ubuntu for 
getting this fast resume and does the system survive from multiple 
suspend/resumes without need for the coldboot?

Hmm, maybe the nfs mounted system with suspend/resume is also a way to go 
for me... Now just needs to decide what distro to install for nfs bootable 


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