Alex Betis a écrit :
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Nicolas Huillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> From kernel first log line in the syslog server (I guess timestamps are
>> when rcS.d/ scripts start to run, ie. does not include kernel load time
>> + initrd), to LIRC accepting the VDR client (including a 5s sleep I had
>> to add):
>> * 31s on the ML6000
>> * 16s on a Athlon 2200+
>> * 18s on the M10k
> Guys,
> How about putting the system in suspend mode instead of powering it off and
> on again? Should take few seconds.
> Some of you were talking about UPS, so its even safer than I can have...
> VDR can resume from suspend to record programs.
I'll try that ;-)
Suspend to RAM as always been a pain in my various trials, but this is a 
much simpler goal than a complete laptop.
Virtually no device to take down/bring up on a pure streamdev client. 
NFS handles must just survive the long delay, but it should be OK.

This also works around an annoying bug in the (non-upgraded) EPIA BIOS: 
the PXE LAN boot does not always initialize the network interface after 
a shutdown. One have to unplug power to boot correctly next time...


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