On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 3:26 PM, horchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> same here, with 1.7.0 everything fine, what happen with the vdr 1.7.1 :(
> Regards, Jörg
> On Sunday 02 November 2008 12:46:16 Artem Makhutov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sat, Nov 01, 2008 at 05:48:07PM +0100, horchi wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > i like to use the actual vdr 1.7.1 with the xineliboutput plugin. I don't
>> > need h264 or any HDTV this time.
>> >
>> > Has anybody vdr 1.7.1 with xineliboutput running properly?
>> No, xineliboutput does not work for me too with 1.7.1. It worked fine
>> with 1.7.0.
>> Regards, Artem

Well, I have vdr 1.7.0 + h264 patch + s2api patch + cvs xineliboutput
+ hg xine-lib 1.2 + svn ffmpeg + s2 api drivers v4l-dvb and
xineliboutput is _NOT_ working fine. It segfaults upon startup. Every
time, no matter the parameters I pass during startup.

Even vdr-xine experinces the same problems (jittered image but sound
ok) but no segfaults on startup. Only during play live stream :(

It seems it has problems with OSD and overlay Xv on ATI 1250 Express
but and this a big but :) it also has the same behavior with a Geforce
6600GT that I have laying around.

So, the big question is: can someone provide a xorg.conf file and a
vdr setup.conf file for to try to understand what is wrong? And even a
xineliboutput initial line with all parameters on a working config?


My machine is no old mule, too. It has plenty of ram and CPU. So, I' m
kind of lost here.

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