En/na Halim Sahin ha escrit:
> Hi,
> From vdr 1.7.1 announcement:
> This version marks the first step towards using TS (Transport Stream) as
> recording format. It does this by switching the Transfer Mode to TS and
> introducing all the necessary cDevice and cPlayer functions to handle TS.
> Actual recording is still done in PES, though.
> This should provide a reasonable developing and testing environment for
> HDTV device plugins to prepare for replaying TS.
> end:
> Maybe xineliboutput doesn't support ts playback?

I didn't try xineliboutput, but neither dxr3 nor xine work.
In theory if an output device doesn't implement PlayTs it should work 
with the old PlayAudio/PlayVideo, but it seems it isn't really so.


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